
The individual work titled "Timboon" within the "Connecting to Country" series explores the theme of home, resettlement, safety, and love, juxtaposed with the historical reality of sanctioned culls within my grandparents' generation on this land. Upon inquiry, any memory of the First Peoples becomes an unseen footnote, a past extermination event on their property that was long over. The contrast between the beauty of the country and the dark shadows of its history creates a complex and conflicting narrative. Racism infiltrates conversations, leading to the need for explanations of insults that are difficult to comprehend. Bringing together these conflicting truths within my mind proves to be exceptionally challenging. Deep grief and frustration emerge as I confront the reality of my situation and the powerlessness I feel in the face of larger systemic issues. However, I find solace in refocusing my sphere of influence and working towards manageable, actionable changes.